Thursday, February 7, 2013

100 Things

A lot of bloggers have been doing lists of 100 things about themselves... we'll see how I do.
#1  My name is Ashley.
#2  I have a daughter named Sydney.
#3  I am a widow.
#4  I won't be #3 for long as I am engaged.
#5  I enjoy running especially in warm weather.
#6  Dr. Pepper 10 kick starts my morning.
#7  I love to read.
#8  I am a registered nurse in an Emergency Department.
#9  My first choice for career in college was Journalism.
#10  I changed my major to nursing when I realized it was a high job security field.
#11  I have two older brothers.  One of them is in Afghanistan.
#12  I LOVE music.  I especially love doing #5 while listening to a great playlist.
#13  I like horseback riding.
#14  Hiking, camping, and exploring the outdoors are where I feel the most alive.
#15  I am an introvert, but haven't always been.
#16  I am somewhat decent at speaking Spanish.
#17  I have one childhood friend left.  I've known him since I was 16.  I don't know where the rest are.
#18  #17 Saddens me.  I mean, how could people who meant so much at one time just disappear.
#19  I wish I lived on a ranch in Montana.
#20  I wish I knew how to use my fancy camera, but I don't.
#21  I am addicted to watching the television show Golden Girls before going to sleep.
#22  I frequently have nightmares.  I don't think #21 and #22 correlate.
#23  I bite my fingernails.  It's disgusting.  I hate it.  I can quit for 2 months at a time.
#24  I have blue eyes.
#25  Hippos are my favorite animals.
#26  Getting tired of this list making already.
#27  My pet peeve is laziness at the workplace.
#28  I support the right to bare arms.
#29  I also believe in strict background checks prior to being able to obtain a firearm.
#30  I would like to visit New Zealand.
#31  Parasites scare me.
#32  I'm tired of this list thing.
#33  I realize that it is likely no one care to read 100 things about me anyway.
#34  It's my blog, so I don't care.
#35  I can't dance.
#36  Yellow is my favorite color.
#37  I like singing in the shower/car.
#38  I'm done.

38% isn't bad...right?

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