Monday, July 30, 2012

Because I'm Really Not Always Negative

I've got a smile on my face.  Maybe it's because today is my last shift before a glorious 6 days off in a row.  I'm feeling wonderful, despite the fact that it's Monday.  Mondays in the ER are always insanely busy.  But that's okay!  I can make it.
I'm enjoying things with Zack.  He keeps me level headed, most of the time.  He also puts up with my insecurity and mood swings like a champ.  What's more than that, he shows off Sydney like she was his own. 
For now, Sydney is developing her colorful personality.  She enjoys squealing gleefully at the top of her lungs when she wants to get out of bed in the morning.  She also enjoys Elmo... or as she calls it "Melmo."  She can sing rock-a-bye baby and we've begun potty training.  No poopy diapers for the last 4 days and I'll tell you that's a pretty big accomplishment. 
Despite annoyances and every day menial tasks, my life is pretty good.  I've got a lot of support and a lot of love.  I'm definitely on the up swing.

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