Sunday, April 15, 2012

Screw the American Dream

"The American Dream" To live in a 4bedroom 3 bathroom house with a yard and a white picket fence. To have 2.5 children and a loving spouse. Where children excel in some sport or another. Working a job you may or may not love just to make it home. Screw it! The American Dream has been pushed into my head for so long. All it does is help us to settle for a lifestyle of pleasing ourselves before others and making sure our needs are met first. What about Jesus? What about His life of sacrifice? Going to church and sitting in a seat all the while absorbing God's grace. This attitude that God's grace is sufficient and we don't have to do anything but receive it. What about the greatest commandment in the New Testament to Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. I don't think receiving His grace alone covers that commandment. This is all still a work in progress. I'm trying to figure out my next plan of action.

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