Right now, I have it made in the shade. While I work, my parents watch Sydney. It's free, it's easy, and it's with someone I trust. The situation is working perfectly for now and Sydney has tons of love and attention. The situation may not last forever, so I started researching alternative methods of child care.
First let me say, HOLY COW! It's expensive. Day care isn't really a feasible option because I go to work so early and stay at work so late. Most day cares don't stay open til 730. Another thing is that I don't need five days a week for child care. At most, I need two. And on top of that, I need some weekends. So I researched a nanny, for the cost of that I might as well not even work. I can't afford to pay a nanny, plus rent, plus care, and all other needs.
What irritates me... all these women who have no jobs and have countless babies and get government assisted childcare. REALLY? Guess where the money comes from for this government assistance. MY check. Don't tell me that those women aren't the majority because in my position as an ER nurse, I see it every day. Lady on baby number 4 or 5, not married, no job, no healthcare, and wanting an ultrasound because they know our ER has to perform it if they complain of vaginal bleeding/pain. And they don't ever plan to pay the bill, which makes my hospital raise prices and have less money and therefore raises for staff are much less likely.
I'm sure everything will work out. I'm praying to God that it does. But the state of this economy and how it works is just insane.